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Providing bespoke
& reliable sustainable finance solutions

we build trust in sustainable finance market by |

Securitization Platform

compliant with Luxembourg’s Securitization Law of 2004

GreenPath logo
Green Path logo

We aim to bridge the finance gap
by offering sustainable finance instruments to support green, social, or sustainable projects

OUR business

finance instruments

Use of proceeds issuance through the securitization process.


For professional, qualified
and institutional investors.

supporting ELIGIBLE

Use of proceeds will be exclusively used to finance and/or refinance green, social, or sustainable projects.

GreenPath operates within
the legal framework of Luxembourg's 2004 Securitization Law

Our commitment extends to compliance with the United Nations' 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals in accordance with the principles outlined in the Paris Agreement, which are embodied in our corporate code of conduct and articles of association.

United Nation
Sustainable Development Goals
Paris Climate Agreement


We offer our clients a wide range of sustainable finance instruments to meet their complex needs.


  • senior non-preferred bonds senior
  • preferred unsecured and secured bonds
  • bearer bonds


  • equity-linked notes
  • credit-linked notes
  • fund-linked notes



Actively Managed Certificate

GreenPath Securitization Process

Securitization Process

GreenPath Securitization S.à r.l. incorporates compartments, serving as a securitization of underlying sustainable assets and investment vehicles for clients and investors.

WE Engage in strategic partnerships with reputable service providers throughout the securitization & life-cycle processes.

GreenPath’s operational procedures are characterized by a commitment to transparency and sustainability

GreenPath Securitization Platform


to net zero

[ focus areas ]

Robust corporate conduct

Transparent financial instruments

We are committed to investing in operational efficiency solutions and developing sustainable financial instruments that support eligible projects contributing significantly to net zero goals. We closely monitor and manage their environmental impact to ensure alignment with these objectives.

We fully integrate risk management, including environmental and social risk management, into our management operations.
We also ensure high standards of transparency, accurate and timely reporting, and strict adherence to anti-corruption policies.

Through the careful selection
and evaluation of projects, we aim to accelerate the green economy, enhance environmental protection, and achieve robust emissions mitigation. Our approach includes upholding human and labor rights, as well as inclusivity and equality.

We are dedicated to developing sustainable financial instruments that aim to mobilize finance and promote the generation of external capital for financing the transition to net zero and social equality.

Building a portfolio
of clients committed
to carbon neutrality, nature positivity,
and social equality

GreenPath Securitization Platform

We continuously enhance our expertise and align our ESG strategy with the UN Agenda 2030, its SDGs and Paris Agreement, the European Commission’s Sustainable Finance Strategy, and the International Sustainability Standard Board.

European Comission
EU Sustainable Finance Strategy
Global Sustainability Standarts

Our commitment to high-quality carbon assessment is demonstrated through our adherence to the Integrity Council of the Voluntary Carbon Markets framework, ensuring the integrity of carbon assessments across the eligible projects.

Integrity Council of the Voluntary Carbon Markets

Our Sustainable Finance Instruments are in alignment with:

International Capital Markets Association

The Green Bond Principles
The Social Bond Principles
The Sustainability Bond Guidelines
The Guidance on Blue-Themed Bonds
GreenPath Securitization Platform

The Climate Bonds Initiative

Climate Bonds Taxonomy
Climate Bond Standart
European Comission
European Comission
European Comission
GreenPath Securitization Platform

our target

Contribution to global net zero emissions by 2050

Through our debt finance portfolio, supporting eligible green and sustainable projects that contribute significantly to the net zero goal.

Fostering innovation

By supporting projects in climate technologies, including biodiversity tracking, protection, and early alert issuance, as well as innovative developments contributing to the circular economy, and more.

Enhancing dialogue

And providing clarity on investment opportunities by elaborating on eligible green and social activities and their impact on nature, biodiversity, and communities.

Integrity & cohesion

Ensured by monitoring eligible projects for adherence to global standards in sustainable activities, as well as validation and verification of carbon credits.

Alignment with globally recognized frameworks & standards

By integrating practices that adhere to selected standards across all our
operations, financing solutions, and partnerships.

GreenPath Securitization Platform

Employment generation

By supporting sustainable projects that create new job opportunities.

Mobilize capital at scale

By providing financing solutions for sustainable projects in collaboration with our partners.

Thought leadership & stakeholder engagement

Through continuous work with clients, peers, and industry leaders to drive forward the sustainable agenda.


Our materials will undergo regular reviews to ensure alignment and adherence to the best practices in the market. Updated materials will be made available here.

GreenPath Securitization Platform



Second-party opinion

Morningstar sustainalitics


If you have any questions or need additional information about our services or collaboration opportunities, please contact us using the form below.

GreenPath Securitization Platform